Wilco building Midland, TX


This is a building that makes me feel very mixed emotions. Aside from the ugliness of the building because this picture doesn’t do it justice. It’s very ugly. This building is located in Midland, TX where I am from. Midland for those who might not have heard of it, can be described as very ugly. There is not a lot to do in Midland, TX and it is not very close to anything where you can do anything. These are some of the reasons I chose to leave my hometown and come to college in Oklahoma. So, Midland has the moniker, maybe even the motto or something, as being known as the “tall city.” Which to me seems laughable because Midland is anything but a great big metro city with huge skyscrapers. So this moniker is kind of overdoing it in my opinion. Nonetheless, Part of the reason it carries this moniker has to do with this particular building, the Wilco Building. I love that this is my hometown and I would never change it if I could naturally, but theres so much to hate about my hometown that seeing this building instantly brings bad feelings out.


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