Westchester Country Club

This past summer, my family traveled back east to Upstate New York to attend the wedding of a family friend. The wedding was at one of the most premier country clubs in the United States, the Westchester Country Club. Upon arriving to the WCC, you drive up a long driveway past the extremely well kept grass tennis courts, and up to the front of this massive, yet rustic, building. The main clubhouse consists of a dining hall, a dining parlor/vintage bar, and a hotel for guests of the members to stay overnight in. The WCC also has a beach club and two golf courses that are up to PGA standards, and have hosted many PGA tournaments. The WCC is the kind of country club where men always have to be wearing a jacket during the day, and a tie at night. Using a cell phone is also prohibited in many parts of the clubhouse. The WCC is home to many, many affluent members of society, ranging from professional athletes to CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies. Being able to live the life of the Wall Street’s 1% for a night was something I will never forget.

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