Union Station – Kansas City, MO

union stationIf you grow up in Kansas City, chances are you spend quite a bit of your childhood at Union Station.  If there was ever a cool place I wanted to go on the weekend, it would be Union Station. From Science City, great food, history, and mind blowing exhibits- Union Station was the place to be.  It has always had such a positive impact on my life. There is so much history and education inside an extravagant building. Never once did I dread going there.  It was always fun for everyone–old or young. There were so many times where my grandparents would take my cousins and I to Science City or to see some neat exhibit that was in town. It wasn’t only during my childhood that I loved it, too.  In high school I remember when there was a Princess Diana exhibit. My mom and I had always shared such a love for her, so when we got to see it one summer, it was phenomenal.  I can’t go talking about Union Station without mentioning what a beautiful building it was.  From the picturesque architecture, to the lighting that made it gleam at night, that building always brought smiles to faces.  In high school, my friend group would go venture downtown to the Liberty Memorial in order to get awesome pics of the skyline with Union Station in the background.  Union Station has always screamed home to me and truly symbolizes the atmosphere of Kansas City, Missouri.

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