
The Universite Toulouse, an economics school in Paris, is built into a historic wall running the length of the Canal du Brienne. The tree-lined canal provides a linear space to construct on. Modeled after the capital of one of France’s southern regions, the original Toulouse is also bisected by the Garonne River. The institute makes use of courtyards, ramps, buttresses, and an interior design one can’t help but be curious about. St. Pierre de Cuisines Church and its square are visible from the upper levels of the building. It seeks to draw in the social area to give a relaxed, but isolated vibe. McNamara used the same template she has used for many other educational sites, making the bottom floor a public space. Once you ascend into the higher levels, the building takes on a new complexity. The upper levels are ‘bars,’ or strips of offices. Each office is 10.8m deep with the intention of providing ventilation and privacy to the rest of the strip.


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