Togu’na-Sarah Calburn

Inspired by Shigeru Ban’s Naked House, Sarah Calburn turned an ordinary house into what is known today as the Togu’na in 2007. The Togu’na is an office building located in Parktown North, Johannesburg.   It is made of two light buildings created by using contemporary techniques and materials. Some features are its 9 x 35 parallel structure,  its various garage-style tip-up doors and decks. The tip-up door allows for the doors to flip up and down. The Togu’na also uses transparent plastic materials, poly-carbonate to cover its walls and windows. This allows the building to be able to allow sunlight to enter inside.

I really like this building because in my opinion, from first glance it’s very simple looking but once you go inside, it’s a different story. From every corner, there is a view of the natural environment and plants that surround the building. It gives it a very calm and relaxing feel to the office.

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