The Reunion Tower: Dallas, Texas


The Reunion Tower, also referred to as the ball, has a modern style architecture that consists of three circular floors inside the ball resting on top of four shafts made of concrete. The three outside shafts contain elevators with glass panels stretching all the way up for people to get to the spherical part of the building while the center shaft holds stairs and electrical equipment to operate all electrical functions of the building. Of the three levels inside the ball, the first level is known as the observation deck, the second level is Antares, the revolving restaurant, and the third level is a club known as “The Dome.” The sphere is formed with aluminum struts that encircle the three levels within. These struts also hold the lights seen at night that make the Reunion Tower so special.

Even though I was born and raised in Dallas, I have only been inside the Reunion Tower once, but I can still remember the view looking over all of downtown Dallas as the sphere slowly revolved. From where my house is, the Dallas skyline, one of the most iconic skylines in America, easily stands out, and the ball is one of the buildings that completes this beautiful view and will always be a historical marker for the city of Dallas.



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