The Old Street of GaoChun




In the southwestern part of Jiangsu Province , the southern suburbs of the ancient city of Nanjing, there is a magical and quaint land, revealing fascinating charm like a brilliant pearl. It has natural ecology, beautiful scenery and rich resources and has got the famous reputation of being a land of fish and rice. This is Gaochun, the Jiangnan Holy Land called by the Qianlong emperor in Qing Dynasty and now one of the Top 100 Counties, the National Health City, the State Historical and Cultural Town, the first State-level Ecological Demonstration Area in Nanjing. Those who are familiar with Gaochun know that Gaochun is ancient and magical  because there is a Gaochun Old Street.

Gaochun is also my mother’s hometown, I will go there several times a year since I was young. every time I go to chaochun, I will go to the old street. It has the its own special smell. personally I really like the places there are historical. This street is like my old friend, I know every details of it, and it will always on my side.

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