The Man, The Myth, The Legend – Paul Rudolph

Paul Rudolph was a trailblazer for his work with post-modern architecture. In 1958, Rudolph was deemed Dean of the Yale School of Architecture and gained early attention after completing the modernist style Art & Architecture Building on campus that later became known as “brutalist architecture”.

After leaving the university in 1965, he took the Modernism world by storm, creating the most unique and powerful designs of the time throughout the 70’s and 80’s. His work and legacy have had a major impact on contemporary architecture. The following blogs will explore more of Rudolph works and life.

While deemed a hero in the world of post-modern architecture, Paul Rudolph was anything but "modern". In the distance is one of his most well-known establishments, the Orange County Government Center.
While deemed a hero in the world of post-modern architecture, Paul Rudolph was anything but “modern”. In the distance is one of his most well-known establishments, the Orange County Government Center. 

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