The Griffith Observatory


In Los Angeles there are a numerous amount of opportunities for great architecture. However, one of the most symbolic uses of Roman Architecture is the Griffith park Observatory. When I first encountered it, I felt that I was entering a place reserved for the gods. The observatory is placed high up on a hill overlooking the city. The use of large domes, in addition to being relevant to the purpose of the observatory, creates the illusion that you are up with the roman gods, above all the pettiness of the city below, in the pursuit of pure science and curiosity. ­­The white exterior furthers this image of purity and godliness. Once I had gone inside, I was struck by the sheer magnitude of the space inside the observatory. It is built into the side of the hill, creating the appearance of a much smaller building. However, once you go inside or look at it from a different angle, you discover more and more of the building, in a similar way that through time, space exploration has discovered that there is a greater magnitude to the universe than we could have imagined a thousand years ago. It also is a great opportunity to realize just how dirty the air is in LA because since you are so high up, you are able to see the layer of brown smog over the city. The observatory will always to me be a symbol of creativity and exploration. I highly recommend anyone who gets the opportunity to go to southern California to pay a visit to the Griffith observatory.

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