The Dorm Cave

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Göreme is a small town out in Turkey that traditionally cut their homes out of volcanic rock. These days it’s a trendy tourist destination but sometimes one can’t help but get swept away in the romantic nature of it all. I found myself checking into The Dorm Cave (not a metaphor for your freshman year), a small budget friendly hostel for the wayward traveler, and instantly I fell in love with it. It was traditional house that was converted into a place for travelers to rest for a few days, and allowed for a traditional architectural style to be preserved by modernizing and monetizing. Though the veranda and stairways might be slightly against modern safety regulations, the slight risk to it adds more to the experience.


With the use of the rocks and hills already in place, a lot of buildings in this region use the terrain as a foundation for their buildings. The Dorm Cave was built between a couple of rocky hills and most of the guest rooms were built into the ground or within the hills. Turkey only gets more arid the further east you go from here, so the style of architecture reflects the need to get out of the blazing sun and blistering winds from the desert.

When walking down a narrow flight of stairs to find a dimly lit room underground was absolutely fascinating and also relieving since it was a way to get out of the heat. The stone walls are cool to the touch, and sticking your face to it was about as refreshing as it gets. It’s through architecture like this one can truly understand the ingenuity of those who lived here thousands of years ago.

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