The Dialogue House

Dialogue-2Wendell Burnette Architects continue with the theme of balance and contrast with their award winning Dialogue House. This private home was built at the base of Echo Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona. This home was meant to start a dialogue with the community about what it means to live in and among the environment. This home was much different than the ranch bungalows that populated that area at the time, and yet this building seemed to fit in immediately with the landscape. Dialogue-7The home has two different shades of light that play off of the building itself. One is a cool blueish light that surrounds that home. The interior of the home, where the family spends most of their time, is filled with soft orange, more natural light. The lights use the brilliant white exterior of the home to show the change in desert environments between day and night. Creating a sense of belonging on the inside, while developing a sense of mystery and adventure on the outside.Dialogue-5

One thought on “The Dialogue House”

  1. I see what you mean by when, “the house was built to start a dialogue with the community about what it means to live in and among the environment.” It is a beautiful house with a large window to view the pretty scenery.

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