The Broadmoor


The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs was built in 1918 as a premier hotel destination in the state of “fresh air and fond memories”. This hotel is special to me because of the memories shared by my family when I was younger. My dad would have work in Colorado Springs during the summer, so the rest of the family would go up with him and spend a few days in this hotel, heavily influenced by the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. When I was young I would roam the grounds of the resort, following in the paths, and eating at the same restaurants that  George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and many other gloabal political leaders used during their trip for a NATO convention shortly before my stay. The main building imposes its asymmetrical beauty on the entire mountainside, while the back of the building faces out to the mysterious NORAD military base located inside the Cheyenne Mountain range. Architectural stimulants are overflowing in and around Colorado Springs, and The Broadmoor is arguably the heart.Unknown-1


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