The Bizzell Library


The Bizzell or should I say my second home? Before attending college going to the library was a myth for me. Something people only did in movies because they had detention. When I use to think of libraries I thought of complete silence and very little interaction with other people. I thought little mean old ladies with glasses resting on their noses waling around with yardsticks telling people to stop talking. In other worlds I thought that libraries were boring and my last positive thoughts about them were from elementary when you would go and the librarian would give you candy and read to the class.

That all changed when I got to OU and realized I had no Idea how to study and that the people that did know how to study went to the library. After going to the library a couple of times I realized that it actually wasn’t that bad and it was more social than I had thought. The Bizzell Library is one of a series of building on OU’s campus that is Cherokee Gothic. It was designed by the architecture firm Layton Hicks & Forsyth and constructed in 1928 during the administration of OU’s fifth president, William Bennett Bizzell, from whom it gets it name.

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