Tatiana Bilbao Design Post #5 —Bioinnova

BIOINNOVA_by_Tatiana_Bilbao_dezeen_468_8 BIOINNOVA_by_Tatiana_Bilbao_dezeen_468_6 BIOINNOVA_by_Tatiana_Bilbao_dezeen_468_5 BIOINNOVA_by_Tatiana_Bilbao_dezeen_468_3 BIOINNOVA_by_Tatiana_Bilbao_dezeen_468_2 BIOINNOVA_by_Tatiana_Bilbao_dezeen_468_1

Bioinnova is a building of the university of Mexico of biology building. Designer provided the large open window from ground to ceiling. The different level of floor shows the different color, which is representing different apartments. Bilbao said that “The client wanted large open-plan rectangular floor plates that could be divided flexibly, so we did that but we moved the floors to create a structure that’s more of a living building.” So we could find that the beautiful appearance helped this building to improve its function.

I really like this building, when I compare OU’s building with some modern building, I think about that is OU not trying to build new style building? or some other reason. I expect OU could build some other style building.

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