Sydney Opera House

THE SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE -  2010 - Sydney, Australia  - Photograph by: JACK ATLEY / -  for The Sydney Opera House

I studied in Australia two semesters ago, and had the opportunity to visit Sydney, which is home to one of the most famous opera houses in the world. The Sydney Opera House is located on Bennelong Point in the Sydney Harbor subsequently giving it some of the greatest views in Australia. I got to take a tour of the opera house and learn about the history of how it was made, and also got to sit in on a few practice shows. The buildings architect was a man by the name of Jørn Utzon, who later was kicked off the project although he was the mastermind behind the whole building. They started construction on the building March 1st, 1959 and completed it in 1973. The construction time was much longer than expected, but the end result did not disappoint. The building was a modern expressionist design, and my favorite part about it was the large concrete shells that formed the roof of the structure. It was also amazing to see how they built each theatre room for specific purposes; for example, in one theatre room they have devices over the orchestra so that the musicians can hear their music faster than the audience can.Sydney_Opera_House,_botanic_gardens_1sydney_opera_house_2

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