St. Peters Cathedral

One thing about Rome I perceived was the details within the artwork and how things were created out of just plain raw materials.  The catholic background in the Italian regions has been strong for thousands of years. On my trip overseas, we happened to tour many churches and cathedrals and one that comes to mind as being the most magnificent is the St. Peters Cathedral. You can picture how massive this building in just by knowing its 385 feet to the top ledge of an overlook that looks down in the center and 448 feet to the top peak. Still in firm shape today this building is over 500 years old and took 80 years to build. The details of the paintings on the walls and the carvings poking out on every corner I don’t believe can be done now like they were that long ago. How they came up with the color schemes of any color you can think of plus gold leaf is something that is truly astounding. Walking into this building you can’t help to just stare up, on every corner, wall, statue, and pillar is a different carving or just a story being told. I could spend all day in this building just admiring the artwork along with the solid marble and granite floors.


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