St. Paul’s Chapel



             St. Paul’s Chapel was built in 1764 and designed by Thomas McBean. It is the oldest standing church building in Manhattan and it is said that George Washington worshipped there on the day of his Inauguration. It has a Georgian architecture style and is absolutely stunning. I was lucky to have gotten to visit the chapel while on a trip to New York City during Spring Break of my senior year in high school. We went to many places on this trip but I can still vividly remember the chapel.

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             I took all of the indoor pictures and the picture of the outside facing the World Trade Center. I remember being surprised by how homey it felt inside and by the welcoming colors of pastel pink and blue. This chapel is right by where the Twin Towers stood and was a refuge for volunteers after 9/11. I remember the man giving us a tour telling us that though every building surrounding them had major damage, but the chapel escaped with not even a broken window. There is a small cemetery in the back of the chapel, facing the World Trade Center, and you could still see pieces of glass on the ground out there from when the Twin Towers collapsed. This was a very emotional place for me because of its correlation with the 9/11 attack, but a memorable one for sure.

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One thought on “St. Paul’s Chapel”

  1. I found your post to be very insightful and almost moving. The history behind this building makes it iconic, and I found the building itself to be stunning in the old world feel. The large pillars and tall tower remind me of many historic churches that are scattered throughout the US.

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