Aldo Rossi- Scholastic Building in Soho, New York


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Built in a suburb of New York, the Scholastic building is one of Aldo Rossi’s most modern building designs. Due to the lack of space, his building is sandwiched between structures that represent the epitome of classical and industrial periods of New York’s past respectively. We see a pattern with all of his work in the fact that he once again takes into account the environment in which he is placing his building.

This building is uniform in height compared to all buildings around it and keeps the same architectural features such as long columns that run all the way down the building, numerous windows running all the way up the building, and beams running across the structure for support. In short, it fits in enough to look as though it was built at the time of those buildings around it. Once again, Rossi realizes that the structure lies in what was the cast iron district of New York, in order to pay respect to the history of the area, he uses steel, glass, and a “kit of parts” to construct the building which mimic the look of iron cast. Unfortunately, Rossi passed away before the completion of his work in 2001.

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