Sam Noble Museum



The Sam Noble Museum is a museum built right next to the University of Oklahoma campus. It was opened where it is now in 1999. I have spent a lot of time on field trips through my school years at the Sam Noble Museum. It was my first museum that I ever visited and I think that is why I think so much of it. This museum has an awesome set up on the outside entrance, but my favorite part has always been in the back with the mammoth statue. I like the curved staircase with all the windows surrounding the room, and how the light enters the room from the windows.

My first time visiting this museum I kinda thought it looked like a castle, just solely because it is a large building made of stone. Walking up you see the large stone pillars outside the front door. The way the inside is designed makes it feel large as well as everything is spread out and the ceilings are very high. The whole place is large and seems to be strongly built made out of the stone, and because it was my first museum experience, it has always been someplace that I thought was cool in Norman.

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