Preston Olmstead, Owasso Indoor Facility

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One building that has impacted my life in a negative way, is the Indoor facility at Owasso High School. This building is located on the campus of Owasso High school and is where sports teams workout or practice in the cold months. This building is where I had hard and long practices. It brings up bad memories of running till I puke, or hitting a baseball till my hands have blisters all over them. I love baseball don’t get me wrong, but this is where we had are terrible practices that were not very fun.

The building itself is awful, it looks like an uninviting place where dreams go to die. It is just a huge flat building, and inside is just open and no real architecture design went into it. You can tell that is was just built so sports have a heated facility that they can practice in when it is too cold outside. This building will forever symbolize bad memories for me, and I hope to never enter that building again.

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