Preston Olmstead, Owasso High School

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Four Years is a long time of someone’s life, and for four years of my life I spent them at Owasso High School. High school was an important time of my life, it is where I grew up and became a man. It is also where I grew intellectually, and really started to think for myself. It is also where I made my best friends that will last a lifetime. The teachers there also made a huge impact on my life, and some I still talk to today.

The building itself is really something, it is a relatively new building and has the best technology implemented into the building. There is many entrances to the building, and each one is different, but everyone is welcoming. You can tell that when you walk in that you are safe and you can learn without worrying about your safety. There is a huge gym in the high school, where all our pep rallies, and basketball games were held. Owasso high school will forever have a place in my heart and I will always go back and visit.

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