Piazza San Agostino, Arezzo, Italy

This place is the gallery in Italy that my class and me had a showing at when I studied abroad. Throughout our trip I was involved in two classes. One of them was called the Italian Sketchbook. In this class we walked around Arezzo and other areas that we visited such as Florence and Sienna and drew in our sketchbooks. It was a dream of class. We got to see what beautiful things there were to see and also commemorate them with drawings and paintings. Our other class was called Visual Narrative and in it we were charged with a group project. We had to pick a topic and show a feature that was specific to Arezzo. My partner and I chose graffiti because we had saw that there was so much interesting street art there. Eventually near the end of our time there we had a showing in a gallery to show the culmination of our work in the two classes as a tribute to Arezzo. Our showing was both emotional and bittersweet. I did not want to leave Italy. Overall, to me, this building represents a tale of a truly life changing experience.

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