Physical Science Center




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Ever since I came to college, I knew I wanted to be a Mathematics and Biostatistics major however, when I first started school here I didn’t know that the Physical Science center would be the building I would spend hours and hours studying for my classes in. The dull grey color and large rectangular shape of the building was very intimidating at first, knowing that the hardest classes I have ever taken would be inside the mammoth of a structure. But as I’ve gotten deeper and deeper into the Mathematics curriculum, I have learned to love every part of the Physical Science Center. With over half my classes taken place in the building, it has always been my go to study spot. When I approach the Center everyday, I am filled with excitement as I know I am one step closer to never having to see that building again. My relationship with the Physical Science Center is a complicated one, but I know for certain that my college experience wouldn’t have been the same without going to this building everyday.


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