Physical Science

The physical science center at the University is one of my least favorite places on campus. I only had to take two more math courses once I arrived at OU and both were located here. Math is, by far, my least favorite subject. I’m not particularly good at it and, more importantly, I hate working with numbers. I performed embarrassingly bad in both math courses I have taken here and I’m sure that has contributed to my hatred for this building.

The reason I am blogging about this building is actually because of newfound knowledge. I walked past the physical science center last week with a buddy of mine and as I was explaining my disdain for it, he said that he too hated ‘the blender.’ I asked him to repeat and he told me that many students refer to it as that because of its shape. It has a wide, square base with a tower reaching upwards from its center. I noticed for the first time that the tower is a different color than the base and it gave me an extra reason to dislike this place. Physical_Science_Center_at_OU

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