Philtower, Tulsa, OK


Designed by Edward Buehler Delk and financed by renowned oilman Waite Phillips, the Philtower (along with the Philcade built across the street) is a classic example of the neo-gothic and art deco architecture that Tulsa is known for. The green and red tile roof is one of the most distinctive features of the tower, but the coolest thing about the two buildings to me is the underground tunnel that goes between. My history teacher from high school in Sand Springs (whom now teaches at Owasso) takes his students on summer bike rides, culminating with a 100 mile ride each year (up until 2015, the final “Geezer Challenge” as he liked to call them). As a history teacher and excellent orator, he made it a point to show all of the most interesting spots of Tulsa, from west Tulsa and describing the racism of the 1970s to Art Deco that adorns downtown and midtown Tulsa, Philbrook museum, and how the war and oil had a big card to play in the construction that went on, etc; there was always a lessen to be taught among the rides. The huge thing he pointed out was that war was good for Tulsa. It brought a lot of money, and the amount spent on these types of structures, the hand carved adornments, and simply the amount of detail (and expense of materials) put into the buildings is something that you simply do not see today. My favorite parts of the rides were when we had the opportunity to tour the underground tunnel between the Philtower and the Philcade, used originally for transporting building materials and connecting Tulsa’s skyscrapers but later for Waite Phillip’s among others’ safe transport during a harsh time of robbery. It is carpeted, air conditioned, well lit, and adorned with some excellent artwork.

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