Petra, Jordan – The Lost City

Constructed around 312 BCE there is a ancient city in Petra, Jordan that is partially carved into the rock. It is an impressive display which has made it as one of the 7 Wonders of the World currently. To enter Petra you have to go through a canyon that is 3,280 feet long. There are royal tombs that are located there, these are sacred tombs. Though it is now in a desert now, this area used to be rich and fertile with lush vegetation. The site now is a spot where tourists come and marvel at how skillful stone carvers were to be able to understand and plan a beautiful and symmetrical structure made into solid rock. There are stone columns there that are reminiscent of the Greek style of architecture. It is said that Petra, Jordan took over 300 years to build/be carved into rock!

  • Kulpreet Singh

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