Olmos Park Residence



Olmos Park Outside


This is the Olmos Park Residence, a building  designed by the Texas-based architectural firm Lake|Flato. The firm is named after two of its leading architects, Ted Flato and David Lake. It’s based out of San Antonio and Austin, and its buildings share many intriguing design themes and choices designed to make them sustainable.


Olmos Park Living Room


Olmos Park is actually a city completely enclosed by the city of San Antonio, so it’s no surprise that Lake|Flato took up a job there. The residence is a wonderfully open space. Natural light floods nearly every corner of the house. It’s impossible not to be aware of the surrounding environment due to how many large-scale windows there are, so occupants are able to appreciate the most beautiful clear days and the fiercest southern thunderstorms in full. This building was crafted to “resonate with the inherent nature” of the site where it was built, and the bevy of close trees, neutral colors, and rustic shapes allow it to do just that.


Olmos Park Pool


Photo credits: Casey Dunn & Dror Baldinger

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