Oklahoma State Capitol

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Illustration of interior Oklahoma State Capitol Dome.

Capitol 4

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The Oklahoma State Capitol

In 1910 Oklahoma moved its capitol from Guthrie Oklahoma to the more centralized location of Oklahoma City. In 1914 plans were drawn up for the new capitol building, like many government buildings the architects chose a greco-roman design. In 1917 the capitol was completed; however, it was dome-less despite the original plans. In 1998 state legislatures and the governor enacted legislation for the construction of a dome. In 2001 work began on the dome and was completed in 2002. The dome sports a 22 foot tall bronze sculpture of a Native American warrior, appropriately called “The Guardian”.  Inside the capitol, visitors are awestruck by beautiful murals, craftsmanship, and art. When in the capitol it is easy to forget your in a state capitol and not in a government building of some ancient empire.  The capitol is one of my favorite buildings in  the country.

Black gold muralThis is the “Oklahoma Black Gold” mural that adorns the entry way above the entrance to the senate floor. The Mural was commissioned in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Oklahoma’s oil and natural gas industry, Senator Kevin Easley is acknowledged in the capitol rotunda for his support of the project.


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