Musee du Louvre


The Louvre is a 650,000 square foot building that holds the worlds’ mostfamous art pieces including the Mona Lisa, and the statue of David. It averages 15,000 visitors per day and 65% of which are foreigners, this is a massive tourist attraction in France, and its almost aesthetically beautiful on the outside as the art on the inside.

When you walk up onto the Louvre, the first thing you see is a glass pyramid that has buildings that surround it 180 degrees. The Glass pyramid encircled by a still pool of water that creates and intrinsic view of the pyramid this piece of art doubles as the entrance to the museum which takes you underground where the art pieces are on display. This piece of architecture means so much to me for several reasons. For one, the art pieces held inside are the most rare, iconic, and expensive pieces in the world, so being in the presence of that is a great experience in itself. If you can manage to overlook the artwork that surrounds you, you would see that the Louvre not only holds this world famous art but is a masterpiece in its own accord. Its almost poetic that beautiful, famous art is held in such an amazing building such as the Louvre. home_temp1__medium

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