Louvre Pyramid

The Louvre Pyramid is known as the landmark of Paris. It is a beautiful well designed pyramid by I.M. Pei which dates back to 1989. The height of the pyramid is 71ft that consist of 603 rhombus shaped and 70 triangular glass segments within metal poles. Surrounding the large pyramid is three similar but smaller pyramids. There is also six triangular shaped water fountains around the largest pyramid that look remarkable at night from the glare of the pyramids lights shimmering off of the water. If there is any place on earth that I want to ever go visit, this is the first on my list because I really love the glass architecture that is throughout this design. I’am always fascinated by lights that I think is uplifting in some architecture. I think that they bring out the beauty in a lot of the things that we create.

Louvre_Pyramid Louvre_Museum_Wikimedia_Commons Last_Minute_Vacations-Inside_the_Pyramid-Louvre_museum

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