Lifetime Fitness Katy, Tx


I went to lifetime fitness while I was in High School at least one time per day. There were only two reasons I would go, to workout or to play basketball. The ceiling structure at this gym was uniform, open white, squares. This simple ceiling allowed for me to really zone in while performing different lifts. The lifeless, white ceiling allowed for me to really clear my head and just have music playing through my headphones while I lifted. Another important aspect of the design of the gym was the mirrors covering every wall. This allowed for visual confirmation of progress since seeing is believing. This progress was a great set of motivation for me to keep coming to the gym, and getting stronger.  On the other hand the basketball courts lined with red, immediately spurred interests of competition.

Lifetime fitness had a very positive impact in shaping my life allowing me to clear my head from everyday stresses, or compete out the stress of the day on the basketball court.

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