Led Action Facade-James Walker

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            This project is comprised of a massive light screen using the surrounding plaza as an attraction center and social enterprise. This location of the screen is significant to the architect’s design in Madrid, Spain because it is close in proximity to another project. This screen promotes several functions and one important one to consider would be the idea of advertisement. Since this screen is large and located in a public plaza, these architects can manipulate the environment and display whatever images or stream ideas directly to the people. This is important to architectural design because projects these architects design need feedback, a support system that encourages the construction of further projects, and propagates the overall purpose of the structure. These architects can assist a large quantity of people by providing entertainment and a gathering place, but also can distribute their ideas and receive quality information to see if their projects will or could be a success and also include specific measurements that can be taken to improve their work. This type of design also institutes a more modern movement away from non-digitized signage. This type of engineering with lighted sign structures sets an imperial sense of modernization and could be seen as an effort to establish a level of modernization to match the rest of the world. This screen also helps authorize a sense of identity for this area of the city by circulating images that people associate memories with after visiting this location. This type of architectural design is important to me because taking a single idea and allowing it to be projected in front of multitudes of people can have several effects and some of these affects can be manipulated by the architect to have its desired outcome and be used for the architect’s advantage.

One thought on “Led Action Facade-James Walker”

  1. This has become so popular lately. The Dallas skyline has integrated this technology with Reunion tower & The Omni Hotel. Its pretty cool to look at a building that is celebrating a Sooner win or a national holiday.

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