Lambda Chi Alpha

I lived in the Lambda Chi Alpha house my sophomore year of college. It is without a doubt the most memorable place I have spent less than a year in. Many of the memories are not acceptable for sharing but it isn’t hard to imagine some of the events that happen when you put sixty guys ranging from 19-22 in one building to live. The first week I lived in I busted my forehead open on a metal-plated wall and had to go to the hospital. The last week I lived in I didn’t sleep in my room a single night because the AC was broken and it was 89 degrees in there. Somewhere in the middle of all that I made a countless number of friends, acquired a countless number of stories, and had some of the best times I will ever have.

The house is made of tan brick with scattered red brick throughout. The roof is your typical black shingle roof. There is a concrete sidewalk that leads to the front steps and generally you can see residents in many of the eighteen windows that line the front. The wall of the building that holds the front door stand straight up, and the walls to the left and right make a ‘v’ shape toward you. This is because of the many rooms that the four hallways contain. On the left side, below the second floor block of rooms, there is a lower roof that covers the dining room. There is also an ugly, dirty fire escape visible from the front on the left side.



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