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Everyone has that one burger place in their home town that serves the greasiest, sloppiest, best burger around. In Miami there is only one place to go for a burger and that is KuKu. Its the local watering hole. Every time I go I see someone I know. It has a special place in my heart because it is where my family eats every Sunday after church. We sit, chat and most importantly eat. My family is very important to me so, any place that allows us to come to together play a large role in my life.

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My favorite part of the restaurant is the KuKu bird that sits on top of the roof. Legend has it that use to come out at lunch and cluck. Nowadays it is permanently stationed outside on the roof. It is a relicĀ  from the past. A reminder of what use to be but no longer can be. It always reminds me to live in the present.

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