Kooloobong Village

Kooloobong Village (KBV) is an accommodation residence at the University of Wollongong, Australia. Designed by Graham Bell Bowman, KBV opened in 2013 and houses over 500 students from around the world.

Photo from UOW
KBV side
The opposing side. Photo from Cockram.

KBV has 5 floors of apartments, and an additional basement level designed for socialising. Kooloobong Village prides itself on the idea of positive living, and proclaims this through the use of different coloured floors. Each colour and floor voices a different element of positive living.

KBV basement
The Basement, designed for socialising. Photo from UOW

I fell in love with KBV the minute I pulled up in the car for the first time. It was move in day, and there were people from all around the world walking around with smiles from ear to ear. That image embodied Kooloobong to its very essence.

KBV prides themselves on an inclusive positive environment. Graham Bell Bowman adhered to these principles by creating many social spots. Photo from UOW

I ended up living there for a year and a half, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. It broke my heart to leave the building when I moved to America. KBV has a very special place in my heart. It represents a new identity, new friends and a new family. It’s been the place I decided to make home, and the only emotions I feel towards KBV are overwhelming positive.

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