Jones and Jones – Sitka Seawalk

This is the Sitka Seawalk located in Sitka, Alaska, City and Borough of Sitka. The purpose of this seawalk is to preserve the unique views of Sitka Sound that are found along the shoreline while also providing a safe and continuous trail for seasonal visitors, locals, fishing, and to enhance access into the local economy, while also using local and durable materials.

Here you can a portion of the seawalk, it is set far enough away from the waterfront as to not interrupt public access to fishing, it is also age friendly and provides handicapped access on a safe and continuous pathway to Crescent Harbor Park, Sitka Sound Science Center, Hatchery viewing, and Parking spaces for cars / busses. This project is crafted very carefully in order to not disturb the scenic geology of the area as well as maintain the sitka spruce forest.

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