Jones and Jones – Evergreen State College Longhouse Education and Cultural Center

This is the Evergreen State College Longhouse Education and Cultural Center, it is located in Olympia, Washington at Evergreen State College. It is designed to be a hub for cultural creativity and recreation not just for the local community but also for native artists all across North America and the Pacific Rim. The Longhouse hosts several sales and art exhibits throughout each year, additionally they offer marketing services to artists through residency programs with master artists. It is a popular place on campus and even serves as a meeting place for dignitaries visiting the area.

Befitting to its name, the Longhouse is quite long with the capacity to hold 500 people, 10,000 square feet, it also has a kitchen, student resource center and lounge, as well as a unique outdoor native american medicine and food garden. This Longhouse looks to be a very clean and modern version of a native longhouse style house. The post and beam support system allows for the building to be sectioned off into different classrooms or conference rooms or opened wide for large gatherings. This mix of modern style and historic design is mirrored in its promotion of Native American artists and all of the educational programs offered that have not been extremely popular or attempted at such a scale.

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