Jones and Jones – Detroit Zoo Arctic Ring of Life

The Detroit Zoo Arctic Ring of Life is located in Royal Oak, Michigan. It was designed to interpret the relationship between nature and culture. The exhibit imitates a 1900’s Inuit village and four arctic landscapes including the tundra, taiga, ice caps, and aquatic zones. The exhibit also allows patrons a glimpse into the lives of arctic foxes, seals, and the polar bear. This is one of the largest polar bear exhibits in the nation paired with an exceptional polar bear breeding program which necessary to keep the polar bear population from becoming extinct. In order to embody this idea of environmental responsibility Jones and Jones created a 70 foot long tunnel that winds through the marine environment pool where the polar bears swim around and over people giving one the sense of the interconnectedness between humans and the natural environment. The project cost $14.9 million in order to get this point across while also meeting animal protection specifications, and allowing guests the ultimate viewing experience.

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