Independence Hall

My sophomore year of high school, my family decided to spend Thanksgiving break in Philadelphia. My mom, born and raised in Norristown, just outside of Philadelphia, made it her goal to show us every last tourist site in Philadelphia between Thanksgiving day and the Patriots v. Eagles game the following Sunday. The building that we saw that was the most influential to me on that trip was Independence Hall. Now if you are asking yourself what Independence Hall is, maybe you should retake middle school history class. Being in the very vicinity where our Founding Fathers penned both the Constitution and Declaration of Independence sure will send the chills down your spine.

The red brick outside of Independence Hall is what I really enjoyed. I love the simplicity of an all brick exterior. For some reason it reminds me of elegance or wealth. It is also very similar to Harvard’s campus. Independence Hall is a must see for anyone that is interested in United States History.

Independence Hall

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