Huston Huffman Fitness Center

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The Huston Huffman Fitness Center is one of my favorite buildings here on the University of Oklahoma’s campus. While the exterior of the building may not necessarily look all that special due to its structure being composed of brick, and the fact that most of the building lies underground, it’s the interior that really makes this place special. There are so many great features that lie within including basketball courts, track, weight area, cardio rooms, and a rock-climbing wall. I still remember the first time I ever encountered the Huff. I was still in high school and my basketball team had the opportunity to play in OU’s team camp, and the whole time I was in awe of just how big the place actually was. It was a really great experience being able to play in such a nice facility, and I knew from that day on I would be spending a good amount of time there. Over the last couple years, the Houston Huffman Fitness Center has bee a great place for me to get out and meet fellow students, as well as partake in some physical activities such as running, lifting, or basketball.

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