High Court of Punjab & Haryana



The High Court of Punjab and Haryana is a building designed by the architect Le Corbusier in Chandigarh, India. This is another building that was created by Le Corbusier to serve in the new capital. The building houses many court rooms and the offices of many government officials. This building is also constructed out of concrete. It is a very unique building but it is easy to see Le Corbusier’s style in it. The building has a curved roof that is similar to roof of the chapel he designed in Ronchamp, France. The building also has windows that almost look like cell blocks that coordinate well with those in the Palace of Assembly that is also in Chandigarh. The High Court of Punjab and the Palace of Assembly are definitely related but they do have beautiful differences that make them unique. For example, in the design of High Court of Punjab, Le Corbusier incorporated vibrant colors that reflect the vibrancy of Indian culture. Le Corbusier’s use of color in the high court is probably my favorite part. In my opinion, it makes a very serious building seem light-hearted a whimsical, which I like very much.

Corina Aguirre

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