Helmut Jahn: State of Illinois Center

In Chicago, Helmut Jahn designed the State of Illinois Center in the mid-1980s. The structure was later renamed the James R. Thompson Center .  The design is mostly glass and originally called for insulated double-paned curved glass but it was very expensive. Some suggested the glass be replaced with double paned straight glass but Jahn dismissed this suggestion so the 17 stories curved glass was built with single pane curved glass instead. This change had a pretty adverse effect on the resulting structure. Thompson CenterThe building is very poorly insulated so it’s not very energy efficient. A more expensive air conditioning system was necessary. It is very cold in the winter and extremely hot in the summer. This practical problem does not detract from the architectural significance of the building. thompson-center_01It was built with the original state capital building in mind. The State of Illinois Center is a postmodern interpretation of the capital building’s dome.  The original capital building had a large outdoor public space, Jahn inverted this design and put a huge atrium inside to serving as a public space. The design  for the publicly funded building hoped to indicate an open and transparent government.thompson-center interior06


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