Hebin Theater

Hebin Theater is master planned by SOM Architecture in Guiyang China. Located in the center of Guiyang this performing arts center will be an icon of the Guizhou Culture Plaza. Although the building isn’t due to be completed till 2018 I felt it was a very unique building and worthy of mentioning. The building will house many theaters and stages for many events such as orchestras or plays. The building has a very abstract and modern look to it adding to the visual appeal of the culture plaza in which it will reside.  It also is positioned and located to ease transportation and provide spectacular views of the Nanming River and other buildings that surround it. It connects to several other Metros and Squares to allow easy transportation to and from. Each ovoid shaped room is placed to look as if they are stacked stones and also possess  a large glass opening to allow the outside scenery to show through aiding in the overall visual aspect the building brings. SOM brought forth more modern architecture with this building and helps show the wide location range that the company has made.

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