Harrah Police Department


The Harrah Police Department is another building that has influenced my life in a positive way. The building is small and plain but it has a small town charm to it that I really like. It may not seem special to anyone else but after spending so much time there, I really started to love it. The reason I spent so much time there is because during the time I was completing my Associate’s degree at Rose State, I was required to intern at a criminal justice agency of my choosing. Harrah is the town I grew up in so I thought the Harrah Police Department was a good place to start. This building is where I discovered my passion and calling in life. I saw how the police officers in the department had personally impacted the lives of so many in the community and I knew that I wanted to be a part of that.  It was in this building that I began to learn just what police officers do every day and I loved every minute of it. If I had never come to this building I might not know now that I want to become a police officer. Whenever I pass this building, I think of it as a major stepping stone in my life and I am so thankful for that.

Corina Aguirre


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