Grandpa’s House

When I think of Grandpa’s house I think of cheer. It was a 23 hour trip from Oklahoma City to Los Corrales, Durango, Mexico. I spent most of my summers there growing up. The house was always busy. It was built when the village was established around late
1800’s early 1900’s. It was passed down generation to generation of organized farmers and community cattle ranchers. The ceilings were 5 meters high. The roof was constructed of tree trunks with planks running diagonally. There was a top layer of limestone that weighed a ton literally. The walls were a meter in width made of adobe and later covered in concrete. The layout was a traditional square around a plaza or open area. The stables were on the back side of the house. I remember that it didn’t rain much but when it did it was engulfing. Like here droughts were a big problem. I remember feeling free because of the remoteness and lack of city problems.

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