
When I was 13 my parents and I went to Memphis for a short vacation and while we were there I remember being amazed at how luxurious the Graceland Mansion was. It was built in 1939 by Ruth Brown Moore and her husband, Dr. Thomas Moore. The next occupant is the reason that this 13.8 acre estate grew in fame; Elvis Presley. He bought the mansion in 1955 and made it his home for the remainder of his life. A museum is know what resides in the home, and it is a shrine to “The King” and all of his musical and acting accomplishments. The architecture on the front of the mansion is very southern and Dixie in nature, almost reminiscent of  a plantation home or something similar. The high ceilings and large rooms make for a perfect place to showcase the many talents of Elvis, and the landscape is just as fantastic. The rooms were extremely pristine and looked fit for a king, if you know what I mean.

graceland inside 2 graceland inside graceland

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