George Lynn Cross Hall- Norman, OK

George Lynn Cross Hall is the home of the Botany and Microbiology College of which I used to be a part. While I enjoy the faculty and the feeling of being at home whenever I walk in the doors I strongly dislike the building itself. Among some of the most stunning architecture on OU’s campus GLCH is a site for sore eyes. The first time I saw GLCH was my first semester of college, walking towards it the large tower protruding out of the middle and the large walls of brick with no windows in a very dated style that seems to say, I’m old school and unwilling to change. The entrances with double doors create a suction that requires all a person’s body weight to open either row of doors and the entire building works as a vacuum where any door movement inside seals the exterior doors. My dislike for this architectural style only increases with the negative emotion looking upon the unsightly building standing tall among some beautiful structures.



~Claudia Hoffmann

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