Funeraria Tangassi



This is a funeral parlor which is designed by Tatiana Bilbao. The Funeral house is hard to design and built for an architect becauseĀ of its significant symbolic weight. The death is the main theme of the building. Bilbao tried to determine the life ending would be limited, temporary, permanence and transitions.


The building has two functions: the service for the bodies and the service for the relatives. The build would have all the service for bodies to prepare for their final homage. And the build would also have enough space for holding a ritual of the people who dedicated to the death of a family member or a friend. The building has two stories; The basement is the place for prepare the bodies and the public area at street level. The public area has five chapels and a center patio. Bilbao separate the public area of the building from the chapel of rest. The chapel where people would have ritual are designed for calm and serenity. The chapel is private and enclosed for social gathering.

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