Frenship High School Field House (Lubbock, TX)

I attended high school at Frenship High School in Lubbock, TX. While I attended Frenship, I played football, baseball, and ran track. Almost every day after school, I would make the short walk over to our field house to change clothes and figure out what I had to do for that day’s workout. I made a lot of my really good friends at this field house that I will be friends with for the rest of my life. During my time in high school, I also learned many lessons in that field house. I learned about the importance of working with a team, how to respect not only my coaches but also the rest of the players on the team, and how hard work pays off in the end.Band-Practice-Field

One thought on “Frenship High School Field House (Lubbock, TX)”

  1. What a cool building!! So many fine lines and modern influence. Definitley looks like it may have been influenced by Fronk Lloyd wright, or maybe piccasso? Either way, this building is easily one of the most beautiful buildings in Lubbock, and that isn’t just because it’s one of the only buildings in Lubbock! (okay, maybe it is…)

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