Frank Gehry- Experience Music Project

Formerly known as the Experience Music Project, Frank Gehry designed the now Museum of POP in Seattle, Washington. First glance at the building may have you confused. Critics have many opinions on this work of Gehry’s. It has been named one of the ugliest buildings, looking like a blob and being nicknamed “The Hemorrhoids,”  while others believe it is the most fitting of backdrops for the museum celebrating the works of Jimi Hendrix. The idea for the building came from smashed guitars. The exterior is made of wavy sheet metal that resemble other works of Gehry- the Walt Disney Concert Hall, Guggenheim Museum Building and the Gehry tower. The outside of the tower consists of a mixture of gold, silver, red, blue and a “shimmering purple haze.” Part of the exterior is shown in the interior of the building as well. An 800 person concert venue called the Sky church boasts 70-foot ceilings and state of the art sound, lighting, and LED screen.


In my opinion, this is my least favorite building of Gehry’s. I agree with the critics that say it looks like a blob on the ground. I wish there was more structure to it.


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